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3 min read

Gridcognition recognized as “game changing” deep tech company at Tech23

I’d almost forgotten how energizing industry events can be, until the recent Tech23 Showcase held in Sydney. It was an in-person event, in a real room, with real tables and real people – how refreshing!

With panellists from academia, government and business, the event celebrates the impact of homegrown deep tech companies that have the potential to create new industries, smarter solutions, and a better world. Gridcognition had the pleasure of being recognized as one of the “game changing” deep tech companies alongside 22 other companies.

So what were my takeaways? Here’s a snapshot:

The innovation is astounding

There are some incredibly smart people solving big problems, problems that may not always be understood by everyone, but that have the potential to significantly impact their world and lives.

Like wearable technology that can identify a stroke before it happens thanks to (Nuroflux) and artificial brain tissue (Tessara Technologies). And in the climate tech space? Limitless energy through hydrogen fusion via laser technology (HB11 Energy) and on-site hydrogen production from biomass, removing the need for storage and transport (Hydgene).

All this amazing work is being done right now by some of our fellow Tech23 winners, and we’re proud to be recognised alongside them.

So what are the challenges these deep tech companies face?

As much as there was a recognition of the great work being done, it was discussed that many of the deep tech ideas have their roots in academia and that the connection between the great ideas that are often “locked away” in the sometimes insular world of universities. How do we bring academics out in the business world more, so ideas can become products, solutions and companies?

In Med Tech, the pharmaceutical industry requires small companies to navigate complex regulatory requirements. Reducing  the load on these small businesses and creating a more supportive environment will be essential for  these fledgling companies to succeed.

A little closer to home, in climate tech, capital markets and the business world are charging ahead regardless of politics. However, clarity in policy for the renewable energy industry to accelerate and address the climate emergency.

Thank you to the organizers and sponsors

Tech23 puts a spotlight on some of Australia’s truly ground-breaking initiatives, and it’s not an easy feat in the age of COVID to put something like this together. So thank you to the organizers and sponsors for putting in the hard work and organizing a top notch event and program.

Thank you to Rachel Slattery and her team, as well as sponsors Transport for NSW, Main Sequence Ventures and CSIRO, AusIndustry Entrepreneurs’ Programme delivered in partnership with i4 Connect, AWS Startups, Addisons, ASX, Cicada Innovations, ANSTO, Curtin University and evokeAG.

Want to change the game with us? Join the team!

We are always looking for people with the right passion and skills. We’re growing fast, so if you are a data scientist, energy expert or software engineer looking to make a contribution to a clean energy future, have a look.

Fabian Le Gay Brereton
Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
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