From the smallest startups to the largest energy suppliers, find a plan that works you.
For small developers and energy services businesses

For any organisation developing energy projects or products

For large utilities, consultants, suppliers, and multi-nationals

The Gridcog Planning Service enables teams to create sophisticated energy models integrating multiple markets, sites, and assets, with accurate simulation of energy flows, asset controls, commercial models, and cashflow forecasts. Planning supports many industries, solutions, technologies, and markets.
We have a team of energy experts in London, Melbourne and Perth. Our London team serves our UK and European clients, and our Australian teams serve our Oceania clients.
Pricing varies by international jurisdiction, so please contact us to discuss your requirements. All plans include a subscription component, with monthly or annual payment options, and pricing generally varies with the number of 'modelled sites' each month. Annual payment includes two months free service.
Gridcog Planning Models can integrate large multi-site portfolios with many different commercial scenarios and asset combinations for each site. We will provision scalable cloud compute resources for each simulation and optimisation run. Gridcog pricing varies based on the number of 'active sites' each month.
Any sites that are included in a Planning or Tracking simulation and optimisation run in a given month is counted as an 'Active Site' for the respective service. Active sites can be run multiple times each month, and sites can include many different scenarios and assets combinations at no additional cost.
Gridcog integrates behind-the-meter and front-of-meter value, including retail supply, wholesale energy, network tariffs, ancillary services (frequency regulation), capacity (e.g. Capacity Market, IRCR, Triads), Balancing Markets, Power-Purchase Agreements (PPAs), environmental certificates (e.g. RECs, REGOs), non-commodity costs, local flexibility markets and network support contracts.
We support multiple types of generators, including solar, wind, and gensets (diesel, biogas, etc); load modelling, demand flexibility (heating, cooling, pumping, etc); battery and other storage modelling; and EV charger and fleet modelling, including smart and bi-directional charging.
Behind-the-meter energy solutions; virtual power plants; community solar and storage projects; microgrids, embedded networks, and private wire developments; EV charging networks; demand response programs; and, large-scale wind and solar parks, and battery energy storage projects.
Gridcog supports modelling energy projects globally. Our Library includes pre-configured markets, market prices, and utility tariffs for a number of markets in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and the United Kingdom.
The Gridcog Tracking Service enables teams to
manage the performance of large multi-site mixed
asset portfolios, and includes reporting on actual delivered value, and expected delivered value basedon modelled performance.
The service is currently in closed BETA testing with a small number of customers. If you would like to see a demonstration of the Tracking Service, then get in touch.