Green Hydrogen is a very hot topic right now, and is a vital part of decarbonization, displacing fossil fuels as a feedstock into chemical/industrial processes, and as a fuel for heating, transport, and power.

Putting distribution networks at the center of the transition to a distributed and flexible energy future
Distribution networks are transitioning from being asset owners enabling the one-way transport of energy from the transmission system, to being full distributed system operators, actively integrating and optimizing distribution-level energy resources: variable renewable generation, distribution-connected storage and flexible loads. New network services, new operating capabilities, and new pricing models can all be virtually tested in Gridcog to enable distribution networks to enable a future-focused, cleaner, and more flexible energy system.
Distribution networks can drive more efficient use of network resources with more innovative and cost reflective pricing models for network services. Gridcog enables tariffs to be trialed virtually, with accurate modeling of price-responsive customer-owned energy resources like electric vehicles, battery storage systems, roof-top solar systems, heat pumps and other flexible loads. The new customer load shapes generated by Gridcog can be inputs into power-flow modeling to support downstream network planning processes.
Distribution networks are exploring new models for contracting network support services, including the creation of distribution-level flexibility markets. A key consideration for customers and asset-owners is the opportunity value stack distribution-level value with avoided energy supply costs and the provision of wholesale energy market services. Gridcog supports detailed modeling of the complete value stack for distributed energy resources and demand flexibility.
Distributed networks are also exploring new kinds of connection agreements, with a shift from static import or export limits to dynamic limits or operating envelopes based on real-time state estimation or periodic powerflow modeling. These more flexible connection arrangements support more efficient use of network resources and provide more hosting capacity for renewable generation. Gridcog supports modeling the impact of different kinds of connection arrangements on customer supply costs and revenue from distributed energy resources, supporting the development of new network products and services and the engagement with customers through the connection process.
Neighborhood or community batteries, stand-alone power systems, microgrids, and electric vehicle charging are all new kinds of assets the distribution networks can own and operate. But these assets have multiple functions that go beyond traditional network infrastructure. Gridcog can provide a complete view of the customer, market and network value of these assets to support regulatory engagement, investment decisions, and performance reporting.