Company News
3 mins

Meet Rachel Madden - Tech Lead at Gridcog

We're thrilled to have Rachel Madden as part of the Gridcog family, in the role of Tech Lead! Rachel brings a wealth of experience and an infectious enthusiasm for the energy sector. In this 'get to know you' interview, Rachel shares her journey to Gridcog, her passion for sustainable energy, and even what she loves to do when she's not solving the world's energy puzzles. Join us as we get excited about the future of Gridcog's software and the incredible impact we're set to make with Rachel on our team.

What were you doing before Gridcog and what got you into the energy space?

Before Gridcog I worked for Limejump, an energy aggregator based in the UK which got acquired by Shell. At Limejump I was the tech lead for Asset Scheduling. The teams remit was to automate the process of converting trades to schedules that the grid-scale battery portfolio would deliver, and to provide the necessary data to National Grid to support this.

What is your role at Gridcog?

I’m working in the data and modelling team, who are responsible for the simulation engine and the data which feeds into it.

What attracted you to working with Gridcog?

I think Gridcog has a unique position as the enabler to companies who have aspirations to become greener and do more, but don’t know how best to get there. The shift to a decarbonised future will be made up of so many of these little problems and individual transitions, they’re critical for the bigger picture.I also loved the idea of the company being full of “energy nerds”, which I’d like to classify myself as also.

What interests and excites you most about the energy industry?I am excited by how the energy space is in such a state of transition and flux, it means that there’s always something new to learn and a different problem to be solved.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I’ve just moved back to Australia after 5 years living in London, so I’m enjoying taking advantage of the good weather. On weekdays I’m a keen swimmer and a novice tennis player, on the weekends I enjoy a camping trip.

What technology could you not live without?

I’d like to think that I’m not too tech-dependent, but I’m a big fan of my kindle and how it allows me to switch between reading many different genres. I often have 4 completely unrelated books on the go at any one time.

Fabian Le Gay Brereton
Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
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