Green Hydrogen is a very hot topic right now, and is a vital part of decarbonization, displacing fossil fuels as a feedstock into chemical/industrial processes, and as a fuel for heating, transport, and power.

Complete library of reusable inputs and assumptions for your energy project models.
The Library provides a repository of reusable modeling inputs and assumptions: interval meter data sets, network tariff definitions, retail supply arrangements, forward wholesale price curves, project costing assumptions, power purchase agreement and demand response contracts, battery degradation schedules, electric vehicle charging utilization assumptions, and more. Everything in the library is security controlled, change managed, and versioned, ensuring the integrity of your energy project models.
The Library includes a full retail tariff database that you can manage and update. In selected markets Gridcog maintains up to date definitions of published tariffs for utilities and regulated network businesses. Tariff definitions are rich and flexible including time-of-use and block import and export rates, ratcheting capacity charges, loss factor adjustments, future rate increases, peak demand charges, and more.
Gridcog provides pre-configured models for selected markets, including the UK (GB), NZ, and Australia (WEM and NEM), along with a flexible ‘generic market’ model for other markets. The market model includes support for wholesale energy, capacity, ancillary services, and environmental certificates. There are multiple options for defining market pricing assumptions, including in-built access to historical market data, and the ability to set and upload your own forward curves.
Upload interval meter data for your sites, including for whole-site load, sub-metered loads, and embedded generation. With Tracking, you can also set up automated meter data feeds, with options to integrate with utility and third-party meter data providers (MDPs), and with on-site sub-metering networks used for performance management or embedded network/private wire billing.
Define schedules to represent load flexibility capacity, public EV charging infrastructure utilization assumptions or EV fleet charging requirements, and control requirements for battery energy storage systems (such as a requirement to maintain a minimum state-of-charge for back-up power). Schedules can also be used to represent dynamic network connections, including operating envelopes and supply interruptions/curtailment schedules.
You can define and maintain capex and opex costs for all resources, including solar, wind, storage, gensets, EV charging infrastructure, building controls and enablement of load flexibility, and generic projects costs, like metering replacements or transformers. Costings can be variable or fixed, and can incorporate deferred future costs, for example to replace inverter systems.
The Library allows details of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and Demand Response Agreements (DR) to be maintained and re-used across project models. DR contracts include different contract settlement options including spot price/balancing price share, energy payments, and capacity payments.