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Articles for energy natives, industry professionals and leaders.

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May 10, 2023
EV Charging
How distribution network tariffs impact the business case for commercial rooftop solar in the UK
How distribution costs impact solar investments in the UK

How distribution network tariffs impact the business case for commercial rooftop solar in the UK

EV Charging
May 4, 2023
EV Charging
Introducing 24/7 Carbon Free Buildings Event
Electrification of "Last Mile" Delivery Trucks

Modelling the impact of a supermarket electrifying its fleet of last mile delivery trucks and the impact this has on the site's energy demand and connection to the grid.

EV Charging
April 11, 2023
24/7 CFE
Introducing 24/7 Carbon Free Buildings Event
Introducing the 24/7 Carbon Free Buildings Project

Explore the 24/7 Carbon Free Buildings project. Learn about the project and join the free online launch event on April 27th, 2023.

24/7 CFE
April 11, 2023
EV Charging
Analysis of the potential value of vehicle-to-grid for fleet owners (Australia)

V2G has huge potential to help balance the grid by leveraging the latent capacity of idle battery storage, but do the numbers stack up for Australian fleet owners?

EV Charging
March 20, 2023
24/7 CFE
Ararat Wind Farm
What’s the future of Renewable Energy Certification in Australia

Australia is set to launch a new voluntary scheme to support renewable energy procurement and storage after 2030. The scheme will provide crucial information about the origin and characteristics of renewable energy. Learn more about this upcoming scheme and its potential impact on the market.

24/7 CFE
March 8, 2023
EV Charging
Analysis of the potential value of vehicle-to-grid for fleet owners (UK)

V2G has huge potential to help balance the grid by leveraging the latent capacity of idle battery storage, but do the numbers stack up for UK fleet owners?

EV Charging
March 2, 2023
Introduction to the economics of behind-the-meter solar and battery storage

Pete Tickler talks through the considerations, both technical and commercial, for those looking to make investments in behind-the-meter solar and storage, using the Gridcog software to illustrate some of the key concepts.

February 19, 2023
Company News
Gridcog Product Lead Nicki meets a Quoka at the 2022 Retreat
Meet Gridcog’s Product Lead, Nicki Coates

Meet Gridcog's Product Lead Nicki Coates and find out how she helps make Gridcog better everyday

Company News
February 8, 2023
EV Charging
EV car charging at public charger
The Economics of Public EV Charging in the UK

We ran an analysis on the economics of operating a public EV charger in the UK

EV Charging
February 1, 2023
Industry Thoughts
Financial Modelling of Energy Projects
Build a Financial Model using Gridcog

How to create a Financial Model for your energy project investment decisions using cashflow forecasts from Gridcog

Industry Thoughts
December 18, 2022
Company News
Gridcog Cryptic
Gridcog Cryptic 2022

At Gridcog we think the world's big problems need big nerds to solve them. So for a bit of holiday fun, we're pleased to share the Gridcog 2022 Cryptic.

Company News
December 18, 2022
WEM Market
Big Battery
Non Co-Optimized Essential System Services in the WEM

An introduction Non Co-Optmized Essential System Services (NCESS) in the Western Australian Wholesale Energy Market (WEM) and a summary of the new WEM Reliability Service to manage peak demand and minimum demand risks.

WEM Market
December 9, 2022
Distributed Energy
UK Residential Solar PV Payback Analysis

Our previous post looked at the difference between what a residential solar owner in London might be paid under the various SEG export tariffs and what that energy would be worth on the balancing market.

Distributed Energy
December 8, 2022
Company News
It’s A Kind Of Magic

Magic Mode is one of our product themes for 2023, but Christmas has come early, and it’s great to be able to share some details on our first ‘magical’ feature drop.

Company News
December 8, 2022
The Modelling behind Magic Mode

Figuring out the best configuration of energy assets for a given scenario is a tricky problem. The permutations are potentially infinite and every site and scenario is different.

December 8, 2022
Calculating the Levelised Cost of Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen is a very hot topic right now, and is a vital part of decarbonization, displacing fossil fuels as a feedstock into chemical/industrial processes, and as a fuel for heating, transport, and power.

Company News
Gridcog Team Retreat

As an early-stage tech startup and a child of the Covid era, Gridcog is a fully remote business.

Company News
Electrolyser modelling for green hydrogen

The role of hydrogen in our future energy systems is a very hot topic right now.

EV Charging
The economics of public EV charging

The rate of electric vehicle adoption in Australia has finally started to ramp up, and plenty of businesses and brands are jostling to charge all those new EVs.

EV Charging
GB & EU Markets
Solar Export Tariffs in GB

Our previous post compared the value that residential PV solar owners in Australia can get from the various Feed in Tariff (FiT) schemes in different states.

GB & EU Markets
NEM Market
Solar Feed in Tariffs in Australia: Who’s Getting a Raw Deal?

In recent years solar feed-in-tariffs (FiTs) in Australia have been falling steadily to reflect both changes to the underlying wholesale markets

NEM Market
Community Batteries
Modelling community batteries

Here’s a quick video building on our recent blog post on community battery network tariffs.

Community Batteries
Wind Generation
Wind modelling, made simple

The new energy system will be made up of lots of variable renewable energy generation from wind and solar, balanced with energy storage and demand flexibility.

Wind Generation
Community Batteries
Network pricing signals for community batteries. Which network offers the best tariff?

We’re shifting away from a small number of large centrally located and primarily thermal (fossil-fuel powered) generators to a very large number of small, distributed and primarily renewable (wind, solar) generators and energy storage systems (batteries).

Community Batteries
AU & NZ Markets
Comparing Contingency Frequency Control Markets in Australia and the UK

In a recent blog post, we compared the financial case for installing solar (and optionally battery storage) to a supermarket in Australia versus the UK.

AU & NZ Markets
Company News
Meet Gridcognition’s new Senior Data Scientist, Joe Wyndham.

Gridcognition recently hired a new Senior Data Scientist.

Company News
GB & EU Markets
Is London a better investment for solar than Sydney?

Following my trip to the UK earlier this month I was struck by a couple of things related to solar PV investment.

GB & EU Markets
WEM Market
DER Orchestration in the WEM

Western Australia is a global hotspot for high-penetration of distributed generation in the electricity system, and the Government proactively defined a roadmap for DER integration and orchestration in early 2020.

WEM Market
NEM Market
Battery Storage in a NEM with no Spot market

The National Electricity Market (NEM) in Australia is in disarray this week. What does this mean for Battery Storage?

NEM Market
24/7 CFE
The UN Energy 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact

I am pleased to announce that Gridcognition is now officially a signatory of the 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy Compact.

24/7 CFE
GB & EU Markets
Which UK DNO provides the strongest price signal for EV charging?

Back in late 2020 we had a look at the impact that an electric vehicle (EV) charging investment would have on the network costs for a 24/7 retail business

GB & EU Markets
May 31, 2023
Company News
Meet our Flexible Markets Lead, Alex Leemon!

We’re thrilled to welcome Flexible Markets Lead Alex Leemon to the Gridcognition leadership team.

Company News
EV Charging
Pete Goes Off Grid – Part 2: Adding an EV

A couple of weeks ago I posted some analysis looking at how much battery storage I would need to add to my existing solar system at home to be fully self-sufficient & 100% carbon free with respect to my electricity consumption.

EV Charging
GB & EU Markets
Gridcognition selected for London Tech Week ANZ Trade Mission 2022

Following a competitive application process, Gridcognition has been selected as a delegate for the UK Government’s 2022 London Tech Week ANZ Trade Mission and our team couldn’t be more excited!

GB & EU Markets
NEM Market
What does seasonal variation mean for the NEM?

Is the NEM a winter or a summer peaking market? Australian summers are hot, so summer, right? Right?

NEM Market
Distributed Energy
I used Gridcognition software to see if my house could go 100% off-grid

There’s much discussion in energy circles around how much storage will be required to deliver the zero-carbon energy systems the world is heading towards.

Distributed Energy
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